So, You Are Thinking About Integrating Machine Learning Into Your Business Process?

By: Dmitriy

When most people think of ML, they imagine a team of data scientists, high overhead costs for computer hardware and timelines that stretch into quarters or a year before seeing results. But today the market is filled with automation tools and cloud-based computing power. ML, AI, and Big Data are available more than ever. It is now easier for medium to large-size businesses to start using and applying these advancements in business intelligence technology to grow and improve their business.

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Overcoming Pitfalls in Large Capital Projects

Overcoming Pitfalls in Large Capital Projects

While problems may seem unavoidable, you can avoid pitfalls and ensure the success of your large capital install projects. Your current projects can provide a learning experience if you identify the pitfall or failure it’s experiencing, then re-focus to get it back on track. You can then start your next project out right the first time. Read on to find out how.

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Should We Transform Our Business to the Cloud?

Should We Transform Our Business to the Cloud?

Using cloud solutions opens your workforce to using virtually any Internet-connected device to access and process data. That means everyone gets to use the computing tool with which they feel most comfortable whether it’s the office’s iPads or a Windows computer. Another benefit is your office can purchase exactly the number of licenses it requires, then add to it as it hires office staff.

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