Starr & Associates is a platinum service management consulting firm that specializes in boosting top and bottom line performance through operational efficiency improvement. We leverage data, technology, and the latest in optimization techniques to eliminate waste from our clients’ operations. Our resources are proven, accomplished and dedicated so we integrate ourselves seamlessly to deliver a Five Starr customer experience through practical and sustainable solutions.
Skills and Expertise to Guide Your Organization
Starr & Associates understands how to use the tools of business intelligence, analytics, and data mining to improve process efficiency and customer service. Our industry focus is diverse and includes public sector, healthcare, manufacturing, mining, and telecommunications.
What We Do:
We use proven practices and technologies to improve productivity and reduce costs. We base our recommendations on evidence we gather through data analysis and direct observation. To create effective strategies for improving the end-customer experience while lowering costs, we rely on a toolkit of methodologies that includes business-process improvement, six sigma, work measurement, industrial engineering, statistical analysis, simulation modeling, advanced mathematical modeling, forecasting, software development, project management, and enterprise planning.
Our Values
Our practice hinges upon our ability to trust one another and more importantly, our clients’ ability to trust us. Our advice, direction and solutions are developed solely with the clients’ needs in mind. We pride ourselves in only providing solutions that create value for our clients.
We consider our clients to be business partners and not just customers. In making decisions, we consider the benefits of our partners as we do ourselves. We often leverage synergies between partners whenever possible to create value for our clients, even when there may not be financial benefit to our firm. The total well-being of all of our clients is our primary objective.
Management Consulting is a professional service. We place emphasis on the SERVICE portion of what we do. We strive to create a positive experience for our clients through responsiveness, thorough communication and transparency. No matter the nature of the engagement, our aim is to optimize the client’s positive experience throughout the duration of the project.
Our firm believes in diversity as a principle. Not only do we encourage diversity among demographic attributes but also diversity of thought, personality type, experiences and professional background. We believe that diversity of perspective and ideas empowers us to provide superior solutions to our clients.
How We Improve Efficiency and Service:
We help you to leverage your most valuable resource—people. We use repeatable, effective strategies to link operational performance, individual responsibility, and corporate objectives. Because we are not part of your organization, we bring a fresh perspective to existing practices. Our observation, on-site study, and data analysis help you create new processes that maximize workplace efficiency.
Our performance model provided one recent client with new measurements and benchmarks for delivering its services. Service calls are now so efficient that the company has achieved more than $150 million in savings.
How much could your organization save if each worker performed to his or her full potential?