Identifying and Validating Cost Savings through Analytics

Identifying and Validating Cost Savings through Analytics

It’s often easier to reduce an organization’s costs than it is to increase its income, but the bottom line is the same — an increase in revenue. If you’re looking for ways to streamline your expenditures and improve your cost savings, it’s time to look at your analytic data.

Analyze Your Data for Savings Opportunities

Your expense sheet holds all of the information you need to identify potential opportunities. Identify your largest suppliers and vendors and begin there. Look for opportunities to:

  • Reduce prices through discounts. Long relationships with another vendor may put you in the position to negotiate.
  • Reduce prices through consolidation. If you’re currently working with multiple vendors, you may be able to save money by consolidating through a different business.
  • Reduce prices through alternatives. Some vendors may no longer be competitive in relation to others within their industry.

Use Your Reporting

Visualized, aggregated data gives you valuable insights that you might not be able to see on a spreadsheet. This is the premise behind big data visualization: large-scale patterns may only be visible once data is consolidated, analyzed, and visualized. Using the right software solutions, you can better understand where your organization is spending the bulk of its money. From there, you can look at ways to fine-tune your operations.

Look at Supplier Performance

A supplier may not just be costing you money in terms of raw materials. Assessing supplier performance is also necessary to determine the full impact of their costs. Are delays making it necessary for your organization to delay products? Have mistakes in the supplier chain required returns or additional administrative processing? Supplier performance impacts efficiency, which can impact the system as a whole.

Visualized, aggregated data gives you valuable insights that you might not be able to see on a spreadsheet. This is the premise behind big data visualization: large-scale patterns may only be visible once data is consolidated, analyzed, and visualized.

At the same time, contract compliance must also be enforced. If suppliers are required to deliver product under certain guidelines — and they are not doing so — then they are not performing up to their contract. Issues of compliance must be enforced if negotiations are to be useful.

Forecasting and Planning Your Cost Savings

In addition to making decisions based on current spending, you must also consider future spending. If certain areas of your business are about to grow and expand, then your organization needs to focus on developing out these sectors and reducing costs within them. If areas of your organization are starting to become obsolete, then their cost savings benefits are going to be minimal.

Creating Results from Data Analysis

Data analysis is not effective if it isn’t used to affect change. Once your cost savings data has been analyzed, it’s time to make simple, clear, and functional changes to the spending of the departments that it impacts.

If you want to reduce spending in your organization, comprehensive data analysis is the most effective way. Through better data analysis, you can drill down to your organization’s spending habits, discovering inefficiencies and identifying trends. Of course, this also requires the right software and the right business processes. You can find out more through the experts at Starr & Associates.

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Using Predictive Analytics for the Disruptors in Healthcare

For many decades, the healthcare industry as a whole was able to maintain status quo. In the last decade alone, however, it’s experienced a great deal of disruption. From self-service healthcare and patient self-advocacy to predictive analytics and big data, the industry is changing. From small clinics to large healthcare organizations, businesses within this industry must change with it.

What is Predictive Analytics?

In predictive analytics, historical datasets are compiled and analyzed for patterns. Once patterns are found, this analytic data is used to make predictions on future outcomes. Predictive analytics can be used for a wide variety of scenarios, ranging from determining whether a customer might leave the organization to identifying the products and services a customer may be most interested in.

Predictive analytics has existed for as long as data has existed, but it isn’t up until recently that the raw, computational power necessary for making accurate guesses was available. Organizations now collect more data than ever before and can use this data to make surprisingly accurate predictions.

What Will Disrupt Healthcare in 2018?

Patient-generated data can now be analyzed to diagnose a multitude of issues. As patients are continually becoming stronger advocates for their health, organizations are going to see an increase in self-service healthcare. Patients are going to be pursuing their own diagnosis and are going to be identifying their symptoms. Patients are also going to be studying their billing and their medical costs more intently.

In the past, it wasn’t always necessary for healthcare organizations to be proactive about transparency. Though patients have always had the right to their own healthcare data (and the agency to make their own decisions), it wasn’t always a priority that patients understand every step of the process. In the new medical landscape, patients are going to begin to demand to be equal partners in their health decisions.


The Challenges for Healthcare Clinics

To compete with these new, disruptive technologies, healthcare clinics are going to need to take steps towards creating a more patient-friendly system. Collecting data is only one small part of this; clinics will also need to be able to reliably analyze and protect this data, both regarding confidentiality and security.

As patients become more knowledgeable and forceful about their rights as a consumer, healthcare professionals are going to need to be more customer-centric and patient-focused. This may create a radical shift in many business processes and business operations, especially in terms of customer acquisition and retention.

Healthcare organizations are in for some significant and immediate change as the industry is in the process of being disrupted by new, advanced data technologies. At Starr & Associates, we can help. Contact us today to find out more about the disruption that could be headed for your business.

Big Data Strategy – How to Break Down Silos and Drive Organizational Change

Nearly every company goes through some organizational growing pains. One common development, departmental silos, occurs at some point. Successful companies break down a silo, a department that protects its information, keeping it from other departments. Silos cause growth breakdowns, so continued growth requires their eradication.

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Inventory Management in the Age of Big Data

With a booming tech industry in conjunction with the entrepreneurial spirit, business owners today have a myriad of tools and software available to increase sales and profits while increasing ROI exponentially. Understanding inventory management in the age of big data is essential for any industry looking to get ahead in an ever-increasing competitive marketplace.

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